var CounterRefresh = 0 function DtAjax() { var dt = new Date(); return 'time=' + dt.getTime().toString() } var RqObj var RqFn var RqLk var RqProc = false var RqFinished = true var RqConnect = true function goCmdAjax(fReturn, ajMethod, ajUrl, ajBody, ajHeaders) { RqFinished = false; try { RqObj = new XMLHttpRequest(); } catch (e) { RqObj = null; return false; } RqFn = fReturn RqLk = ajUrl ajxUrl = ajUrl //if (ajxUrl.indexOf('?') != -1) { ajxUrl += "&" } else { ajxUrl += "?" } //ajxUrl += "View=emb&Con=Ajx" //http_request = new XMLHttpRequest(); //http_request.overrideMimeType("text/xml"); //Método GET //http_request.setRequestHeader('Content-Type', 'application/x-www-form-urlencoded; charset=iso-8859-1'); //Método POST // Remove as possibilidades de pegar arquivos do cache //http_request.setRequestHeader("Cache-Control", "no-store, no-cache, must-revalidate"); //http_request.setRequestHeader("Cache-Control", "post-check=0, pre-check=0"); //http_request.setRequestHeader("Pragma", "no-cache"); // Função para a resposta RqObj.onreadystatechange = ReturnCmdAjax RqObj.onerror = function () { RqFinished = true; RqConnect = false; setTimeout('RqConnect = true', 90 * 1000); ShowMsg(3, 'Erro de conexão com o Web Service.'); }; // Solicitação, ajxUrl, true); //if (ajMethod == 'POST') { RqObj.setRequestHeader('Content-Type', 'application/json'); RqObj.setRequestHeader('Data-Type', 'JSON'); } if ((ajMethod == 'POST') && (ajHeaders == null)) { RqObj.setRequestHeader('Content-Type', 'application/x-www-form-urlencoded'); } if (ajHeaders != null) { for (aHe of ajHeaders) { RqObj.setRequestHeader(aHe[0], aHe[1]); } } try { RqObj.send(ajBody); } catch (e) { RqFinished = true; ShowMsg(3, 'Erro de comunicação', 'Não foi possível acesso ao servidor web.'); } // = 'wait'; RqProc = true if (fReturn != null) if ((ajBody == null) || ((ajBody != null) && (ajBody != 'silence'))) WaitAjax() return RqObj; /* // 1. Create a new XMLHttpRequest object let xhr = new XMLHttpRequest(); // 2. Configure it: GET-request for the URL /article/.../load'GET', '/article/xmlhttprequest/example/load'); // 3. Send the request over the network xhr.send(); // 4. This will be called after the response is received xhr.onload = function() { if (xhr.status != 200) { // analyze HTTP status of the response alert(`Error ${xhr.status}: ${xhr.statusText}`); // e.g. 404: Not Found } else { // show the result alert(`Done, got ${xhr.response.length} bytes`); // response is the server } }; xhr.onprogress = function(event) { if (event.lengthComputable) { alert(`Received ${event.loaded} of ${} bytes`); } else { alert(`Received ${event.loaded} bytes`); // no Content-Length } }; xhr.onerror = function() { alert('Request failed'); }; */ } function ReturnCmdAjax() { // Status Atual switch (RqObj.readyState) { case 1: //A carregar break; case 2: //Carregando break; case 3: //Interactivo break; case 4: //Completo RqProc = false UnWaitAjax() //RqFn(RqObj.responseText) ReturnWs(RqObj.responseText, RqFn) // Status do Pedido switch (RqObj.status) { case 200: //Tudo OK //http_request.responseText - devolver a resposta do servidor como uma linha de texto //http_request.responseXML - devolver a resposta do servidor como um objecto XMLDocument que pode percorrer usando as funções DOM de JavaScript. // = ''; //RqLk = RqLk.replace('View=emb&', '') //RqLk = RqLk.replace('Con=Ajx&', '') //RqLk = RqLk.replace('View=emb', '') //RqLk = RqLk.replace('Con=Ajx', '') //if (RqLk.substr(-1,1) == '?') { RqLk = RqLk.replace('?', '') } //const stateObj = { foo: 'bar' }; //history.replaceState(stateObj, document.title, RqLk); break; case 404: //Página Não Encontrada //alert('A página solicitada pelo AJAX não foi encontrada') break; case 500: //Erro de processamento no Servidor //alert('A página solicitada pelo AJAX contém erro de processamento no servidor') break; } break; } RqFinished = true; } function WaitAjax() { blackColor = false; if ((typeof (document.all.cssLinkTag) !== 'undefined')) { if (document.all.cssLinkTag[0]) if (document.all.cssLinkTag[0].href.indexOf('black') > -1) blackColor = true; if (document.all.cssLinkTag[1]) if (document.all.cssLinkTag[1].href.indexOf('black') > -1) blackColor = true; } TxWait = "
" TxWait += "
" TxWait += "" TxWait += ""; TxWait += "
Processando, por favor aguarde...
" TxWait += "
" TxWait += "
"; //alert(TxJan) document.body.insertAdjacentHTML('afterBegin', TxWait); } function UnWaitAjax() { if (typeof document.all.WaitAj !== 'undefined') { if (typeof document.all.WaitAj[0] !== 'undefined') { for (lcuwa = 0; lcuwa <= 3; lcuwa++) { if (typeof document.all.WaitAj[lcuwa].parentNode !== 'undefined') { document.all.WaitAj[lcuwa].parentNode.removeChild(document.all.WaitAj[lcuwa]); } } } } if (typeof document.all.WaitAj !== 'undefined') { if (typeof document.all.WaitAj.parentNode !== 'undefined') { document.all.WaitAj.parentNode.removeChild(document.all.WaitAj); } } } async function AJAXSubmit(oFormElement, oResultName) { var resultElement = oFormElement.elements.namedItem(oResultName); const formData = new FormData(oFormElement); var postHeaderAjx = new Headers(); /*--------------not store it anymore if ((typeof (us) !== 'undefined') && (typeof (pw) !== 'undefined')) { postHeaderAjx.append('ans-usr', us); postHeaderAjx.append('ans-pwd', pw); }--------------not store it anymore */ try { const response = await fetch(oFormElement.action, { method: 'POST', headers: postHeaderAjx, body: formData }); if (response.ok) { //alert('Arquivo recebido com sucesso.') //window.location.href = '/'; RqObj = response; data = await response.text(); ReturnWs(data, null) } if (resultElement != null) resultElement.value = 'Result: ' + response.status + ' ' + response.statusText; } catch (error) { if (resultElement != null) resultElement.value = 'Error: ' + error; else console.log('Error: ' + error); } } function ReturnWs(content, postFunction) { var ShowMsgDialog = true; if (RqObj.getResponseHeader) { if (RqObj.getResponseHeader('MsgDialog')) { if (RqObj.getResponseHeader('MsgDialog') == 'none') { ShowMsgDialog = false; } } } if (RqObj.status != '') { RqConnect = true; if (RqObj.status != 200) if (ShowMsgDialog) return ShowMsg(3, 'Erro ao processar sua solicitação.'); } if (RqObj.status == '') { if (RqConnect) { RqConnect = false; setTimeout('RqConnect = true', 90 * 1000); return ShowMsg(3, 'Ocorreu algum erro de comunicação com o servidor web.'); } return; } //if ((content == null) || (content == '')) //return ShowMsg(3, 'Ocorreu algum erro ao retornado o conteúdo do webservice.'); //while (content.indexOf('\\u0022') > -1) //content = content.replace('\\u0022', "\"") //mContent = content.replace(/\\u0022/gi, '\\"') /* if (RqObj.getResponseHeader) { if (RqObj.getResponseHeader('Content-Type')) { if (RqObj.getResponseHeader('Content-Type').indexOf('application/json') == -1) { if (postFunction) { postFunction(content); } return; } } } */ let ls; var isJson = false; try { ls = JSON.parse(content); isJson = true; } catch (e) { isJson = false; } if (typeof CheckBtDebug !== 'undefined') CheckBtDebug(); if (isJson) if (!CheckRespWs(ls)) { return false; } if (postFunction) postFunction(isJson ? ls : content); } var SaveLastData function CheckRespWs(js) { SaveLastData = null if (js.hasOwnProperty('Debug')) { if (js['Debug'] != null) { if (js['Debug'].length > 0) { if (document.all.btActDebug) { SaveLastData = js; if (Get_Cookie('iAdminDebugViewer') == 'yes') OpenJsonDebugger(js) else if (js['Code']) if ((js['Code'] != 1) && (js['Code'] != 4)) OpenJsonDebugger(js) } } } } CleanValidate(); if (js == null) return ShowMsg(2, 'Nenhum registro foi retornado.'); else if (js.length == 0) return ShowMsg(2, 'Nenhum registro foi encontrado.'); else if ((js.hasOwnProperty('Code')) && (js['Code'] == 4)) { ProcessValidate(js); return ShowMsg(4, js['Title'], js['Descr']); } else if ((js.hasOwnProperty('Code')) && (!js.hasOwnProperty('Title')) && (js.hasOwnProperty('Descr'))) return ShowMsg(js['Code'], js['Descr']); else if ((!js.hasOwnProperty('Code')) && (!js.hasOwnProperty('Title')) && (js.hasOwnProperty('Descr'))) return ShowMsg(0, js['Descr']); else if ((js.hasOwnProperty('Code')) && (js.hasOwnProperty('Title')) && (js.hasOwnProperty('Descr'))) return ShowMsg(js['Code'], js['Title'], js['Descr']); //if (typeof(js['Code']) !== 'undefined') { //return ShowMsg(js['Code'], js['Title'], js['Descr']); //} /* if (js['Code'] == 2) if (js['Descr']) return ShowMsg(2, js['Title'], js['Descr']); else return ShowMsg(2, 'Opsss, algo aconteceu.', js['Title']); if (js['Code'] == 3) if (js['Descr']) return ShowMsg(3, js['Title'], js['Descr']); else return ShowMsg(3, 'Opsss, tivemos um problema.', js['Title']); if (js['Code'] == 4) { ProcessValidate(js); return ShowMsg(4, js['Title'], js['Descr']); } */ return true; } function isValidJSON(str) { try { JSON.parse(str); return true; } catch (e) { return false; } }